What is Hatha yoga?
This originally Indian and now globalised practice called Yoga has many definition according to different teachers, lineages and interpretations of the ancient Sanskrit texts. As James Mallinson and Mark Singleton point out in the book Roots of Yoga, the word Yoga ‘is a particularly polyvalent Sanskrit word’. The the most common interpretation in the west is to yoke or join together from the Sanskrit root ‘yuj’. I am drawn to an understanding of Yoga being in relationship with ourselves and connection with all living beings. Hatha, also a Sanskrit word, has many interpretations and I choose to observe the one that describes 'ha' as solar or sun and 'tha' as lunar or moon. The ancient texts of The Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras form the foundations of yoga philosophy and give guidance on how we should practise yoga. In my classes I incorporate a sequence of asana (physical postures) with pranayama (breathing techniques), relaxation and meditation interwoven with yoga philosophy, coming together to encourage a sense of balance in the body and stillness in the mind.
What is the difference between yoga and pilates?
Pilates and the asana (yoga postures) element of a yoga practice, both develop strength, balance, flexibility and good posture. Pilates focuses on small movements with an emphasis on the core muscles. Yoga can be described as a mind and body practice, it is not a form of exercise or sport. The asana part of a yoga practice, is a recent addition, which some say, was to make it more palatable for the west. In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the 15th century text, cites just fifteen primary asana, of which only eight, are not seated. As just one small element of yoga, asana cultivate a connection between the physical body and the breath with a focus on interoception. As a whole practice, yoga is practised as much off the mat, as on the mat.
I'm not very flexible can I still do yoga?
The wonderful thing about yoga is you don’t need to be flexible. Anyone can do it regardless of age and flexibility. It's not about how flexible you are; one of the benefits of an asana yoga practice is it will improve your flexibility and ability to move more freely. There is no wrong or right way to practise, as we are all individuals with our own unique bodies. Listening to our own bodies we are able to observe what we need and come into a version of an asana that supports us as individuals, in that moment.
What do I need to bring and wear?
Wear comfortable clothing you can move in, including a cosy jumper and maybe a blanket for relaxation. Yoga is practised bare foot.
Refrain from eating a large meal before the class. I recommend not eating for two hours before a yoga class.