1-2-1 menopause sessions, immediate media, March 2025

“Caroline, seeing you was so incredibly helpful! Thank you so much for going to the time and trouble to include so much detail and information – it was all so insightful and useful, especially the guidance around diet. I’m looking forward to putting as much of the below as possible into practice.”

Thriving Not Surviving Recognising the Effects of Stress, Cushman & Wakefield, OCTOBER 2024

“Caroline ran an excellent workshop for our group in the office. She was warm, friendly, professional , knowledgeable and clear.”


“Thank you so much for a most interesting and informative session.”

“Really great session, thank you both.”

“Thank you very much, really interesting and I will try the humming breathing for tinnitus and migraines.”

“Thank you both for a lovely, informative session.”

“Thank you. Please move to Leeds!”

“Really enjoyed this session,very helpful. Thank you.”

breathe, 360 mindbodysoul, SEPTEMBER 2024

“Thank you so much for your unwavering support in your breathing classes.  I joined RRR about 18 months ago and the classes have been an anchor in my week.Thank you for teaching me about the fundamentals of how to breathe functionally - you are the only person in my long covid experience to have done this.  This has meant not only have I enjoyed relaxing classes in the moment;  you have also helped me create a toolkit that I can use in my everyday life - full of  (scientific) understanding (explained in an easy to understand manner) that I can readily access to ease and soothe myself back into the parasympathetic side of the ANS.  Not only that but you explained it in language that was about breathing functionally; not about good and bad - which has been such an important mindset shift for me; not just necessarily about breathing but how I approach other things in my life as well. Your kindness is infectious!  Thank you for talking about base level and having different stages of each breathwork practice, which were all explained neutrally, with a focus on listening to ourselves and doing what's right for us, in the moment, on that day.  Your approach is helping me undo the 'achiever' approach that we've often talked about in class and for this to be celebrated. Thank you for always going the extra mile in answering all of our questions. Essentially, what I'm trying to say is a huge thank you for everything you do.”

“I will miss your Wednesday Breathe classes. They are my favourite on the 360 Mind Body Soul timetable and I always organise my day around them. Thank you for the class and for your unfailing kindness support and wisdom. And also for the Fern programme, which was so full of the same.”

“I am really sad you aren't going to be doing your Breathe classes anymore! They are my favourite breathwork classes. I absolutely love them and have learned so much about the anatomy behind breathing from them - it's been a revelation and I will never forget all that you have taught me. Thank you. Also thank you for always going the extra mile for us and for always doing overtime to answer our many many questions. I think you'll be getting lots of messages like this one because you're such an important part of so many people's healing journeys!”

“Thank you for your lovely classes - I’ve enjoyed learning about good/efficient breathing (love the dancing breath!) and your voice has always had a calming impact - no doubt will see you again when you cover or do occasional classes.”

“This class has been such a big part of my recovery journey.”

“Thank you so much Caroline for all your classes. I've learnt and changed so much through them. Life changing gift.”

Seated Workplace Wellbeing Session, Parkgrove Medical Centre, August 2024

“Thanks so much to Caroline for a great session. Everyone who attended really enjoyed it and she pitched it perfectly for our team.”

fern Programme for long covid & Chronic Fatigue june 2024

“I had wanted to say thank you so much for the wonderful work you've done with us in Maple Fern. I would have said so at the end of today's session, but I was fast asleep! I've really found the breath work so helpful - a way to connect with my body, still thoughts, relax deeply and nurture myself. At a time when I have so little energy to do the things I usually go to for fun and relaxation, it's been fantastic to have something that I actually can do that feels so wholesome and nourishing. So thank you so much for all the work that you do, your wisdom, your gentle approach and your expertise. I will see you in your 360 Mind Body Soul sessions for more... “

“Thank you for always creating such a safe place for us, Caroline.”

“Thank you so much Caroline. These sessions with you have been fantastic. I have found your breathe classes prior to this so so useful too so thank you so much.”

“Thanks so much for everything, Caroline. You're fantastic!”

sun salutation workshop, BEECHBRAE, JUNE 2024

“It was a great Caroline. I felt we worked on every area over the day and there was huge benefit in the mindful pace we worked at.  The warmth of the sun was a treat. It was a fun day too....the odd bout of laughter. Thank you.”

“Thank you so much for a wonderful day of yoga yesterday at the amazing Beechbrae. Everything was perfect The sun salutations are the way forward for practicing my yoga regularly while away this summer and get the family converted too.”

“Massive thanks for yesterday Caroline, excatly what I needed. To be able to practice outdoors was a total highlight.”

“Thanks so much for such a restorative magical yoga day day yesterday. It was so special to spend time in the sunshine with a lovely group of Yogis.”

“All thanks to you, Caroline, for a very special workshop in the sun.  I think I'll always prefer the pace of the Sun Salutations from yesterday to the "full speed" ones but I have a much better grasp of the positions and the breathing.  And I don't have any aches or groans today so must have been properly listening to my body yesterday! Thanks again for a wonderful day.”

yoga therapy for long covid, yoga scotland ongoing training day for teachers, may 2024

“It was helpful to understand how gentle the practices need to start out for those with fatigue, breath practices and Myofascial Release. And the polo experiment! I will remember to include Kaya Kriya in my personal practice. It was very good, informative, nice pace and very inclusive.”

“I appreciated the stages of learning and how they build. Layering.”

“I found it so useful that Caroline has drawn together a number of threads to create a beneficial course for those who experience Long Covid.”

“I picked up quite a few practices that I'll be able to incorporate into my own teaching.  Caroline's knowledge of the subject and ability to present it were impressive.  I won't feel completely ill at ease if one of my students tells me she's suffering from Long Covid.”

“It was all very useful. Caroline is very passionate about the subject and passed on a lot of information and practices that could be used in any class. Although I don’t have students with Long Covid at present. We all need help with our breathing and the breathing practices will be beneficial to them. Caroline explained things well and demonstrated the practices fully.”

“Very informative. I will add lots to my class sessions.”

“I’ll be using the breathing techniques Caroline shared in my chair yoga class for people with neurological conditions”

“The detailed work on the breath was extremely useful. Some of it I will use. I liked how she used the ball as a myofascial release tool for the hands.”

“All the information that Caroline shared particularly about what works in treating long covid - light breathing, use of antihistamine, gentle movement, humming breath.”

Health all Round, Edinburgh Community Yoga, april 2024

“I would like to give you a big thanks for providing a yoga class to our group for older people yesterday. Our group loved it! Some of them said it was the best ever. Caroline was fantastic and I am hoping to make it a more regular event.”

Myofascial RELEASE COMMUNITY SESSION, 360 Mind body soul, april 2024

“Thank you so much for the Myofascial release class yesterday. I had tired muscles afterwards but a good tired. Which was a nice change.”

“Thank you for yesterday’s session, it was really useful and felt so good! The shoulder one was brilliant for my scoliosis, thank you.”

“Thank you for the myofascial release session, I also really appreciate your reminders to breathe and relax the jaw as I also always clench these and hold my breath when concentrating!”

“Thank you so much for yesterday's session - I loved it, so did my body!”

“Thank you for the session yesterday, I found it very helpful.”

'“The myofascial release session was really interesting, thank you”

MENOPAUSE workshoP, Fife college februarY 2024

“Thoroughly enjoyed Caroline’s session, she is lovely and very knowledgeable. Calm, safe place - great discussions and breathwork. Loved it. Thank you!”

“Extremely helpful to share. Found out loads about myself, symptoms etc.. Amazing discoveries. Caroline was very relaxing, informative and helpful.”

“Love the breathwork, wish we could do this everyday. Such an amazing wealth of knowledge. Thank you.”

“Great having an open discussion in gaining more knowledge.”

“Really enjoyed the connection and hearing other stories. I wasn’t going to come as I thought I’m ok - it’s my age/treatment I’ve had - this has made me realise it’s not. Enlightening - thank you so much.”

“I found the session very good. I attended the last session and have been using the breathing exercises since which has helped me no end, especially when I feel myself getting anxious or angry.’

“Love the chat and sharing so openly about symptoms (made me feel quite fortunate as not suffering as much!). Love breathwork - would like to try and do that everyday for myself.”

“I have really enjoyed this. I have got so many tips from exercise to vitamins. Thank you so much.”

“Thank you Caroline. Very informative, great sharing of information which is both helpful and empowering.”

MENOPAUSE workshop with Dr Claire Phipps & Dr CHarlotte iveson , London februarY 2024

Thank you so much for your really informative workshop today. It was super helpful and I really appreciate all the information and wonderful breathwork too.

“Thank you for the helpful information and particularly liked the breathwork session.”

“I attended the workshop for the breathwork aspect and enjoyed this as well as all the information and knowledge you shared.”

“The free honest conversation was great alongside the breathwork and Q&A.”

fern programme for long covid, december 2023

“Caroline your breathworth is amazing so calming.”

“You are just wonderful! Relaxed, encouraging, supportive and responsive. I've really enjoyed your lessons. You have opened doors that I didn't know existed!”

“Caroline your Breathe classes have been second to none Thankyou, your information has been so thorough and some of your techniques will live with me and have helped me so much, Thankyou. You always look glam, with your lovely jumpers and amazing hair! And make everyone feel so relaxed. Thankyou ! “

“Caroline you are just the most incredibly wise person, I’ve learnt so much from you on Fern and 360, I cannot put into words how much you have helped me”

“Caroline, you are a kind and steady presence guiding us through our breath sessions. I've learned so much from you. I'm amazed at how well the conscious breathing techniques help me regulate my nervous system. Thank you for giving us this extremely helpful tool.”

“You have opened up a whole new world of breathing to us. Your care, compassion and sense of fun shine through. Thank you.”

“Every time I attend one of your classes I feel my shoulders drop about 2 inches - and the class hasn't even started yet! That's all you, so never change!”

“So knowledgeable, calm and patient. Engaging and thoughtful.”

“Thank you sooooo much for all the support you've given me through Fern and 360 MindBodySoul. Your classes are amazing and so often reset my body to a calm happy place.”

“I love your steadfast energy, I appreciate your wisdom. I have really enjoyed learning from you, you feel instantly trustworthy and safe to me.”

breathe, 360 mindbodysoul, november 2023

“I’ve just done yet another of your classes on catchup – always so sorry as I seem to miss so many of the live ones. But I just wanted to thank you SO SO much as I just LOVE all your classes. Everything about them – the way you lead us through the exercises, how you explain everything so clearly and mostly for the huge benefit I always feel from them. Breath work was completely new to me before I began the 360 programme and I know I’ve an awful lot to learn but already, but by bit, I’m beginning. Oh and before you mention it – yes, thanks to it being mentioned at 360 classes I’ve got James Nestor’s book and am reading it, albeit very slowly (concentration isn’t so brilliant just now). It’s so interesting. Thank you!”

“Just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed your classes over the last 5 months or so. They've been so helpful in regulating my nervous system. I'm starting back at work two mornings a week now so I can't make the Wednesday morning live class anymore. Will be doing on catch-up and about to sit (lie) down and do this morning's class now.”

Yoga for menopause, yoga scotland ongoing training day for teachers, September 2023

“It was very useful indeed. I learned new things and plan to implement them in my teaching. Most of my students are menopausal women and/or struggling with anxiety and depression, so the approach would be good for either group.”

“Very useful training. Lots of useful ideas to add in to my classes including resting postures and breath work.”

“This workshop was excellent, Caroline is an excellent tutor with great knowledge of the Menopause, it was a very interactive day and thoroughly enjoyable.”

“Booked with the intention of gaining further insight for my students, but have gathered so much information and advice that will impact me on a personal level. I guess the biggest realisation is that my practice needs to adapt - no need for lots of strong powerful poses, maybe time for a more gentle and restorative approach.”

“A good training. So many practical take aways which I have already shared with classes this week.”

“The training was very useful. It was great to hear about experience of other ladies. I am going to incorporate a few valuable points into my own practice, such as - to use the tennis ball for a little bit of massage, to use the breathing practice.”


“I wanted to say a huge thank you for everything you’ve taught through the Fern classes. It’s hit the sweet spot for me of understanding what exactly is happening medically within my body, and learning to just feel and understanding what it’s telling me. As well as identifying a real missing puzzle piece in my recovery.”

I just wanted to express my gratitude for having had the opportunity to take part in your breathing/ Yoga classes. Your presence is so calming, so reassuring, exuding kindness, warmth and a wealth of knowledge. It’s a joy. I found the whole experience transformative.

Space & Light Day retreat, June 2023

“Just wanted to say a huge thank you for yesterday. I felt so well supported physically, mentally and emotionally. The day flew by! Loved the time spent on each section!”

“It was great! Gorgeous venue, and easily accessible. The only thing that would have made it even better would have been the outdoors walking meditation that you had planned - but even you can't control the weather! I'll definitely be keen to attend if you plan to run another similar retreat.”

“The day was just right for me, I felt you held the space and it all flowed so well. It whizzed by and was broken up, I felt, very nicely. It was a lovely group and I think that your style of teaching and presence helped cement that cohesive feeling. When I got back, I walked along my street feeling very tall and my arms felt as if they were long enough to touch the pavement...felt so open.”


“Thank you so much for all your help and support during the Fern Programme. I was just saying in our last session with Suzy that for me, the yoga/breath work has been the most influential part of the course and something I will continue going forwards. I have loved all the information and further reading as I learn best when I understand why something works (probably due to my learning style and my physio background). Thank you once again, your calm, informed approach has been amazing.”

Thank you so much Caroline.The whole experience with the Fern Programme has been totally incredible, it’s sad in a way for the live sessions to be coming to an end but the knowledge we’ve all been given.. just wow! Lost for words, doesn’t happen often. It’s been emotional at times but physically, emotionally and mentally I feel I’ve come a long way in such a short time. The joys are there and I’m able to laugh and smile again, found that piece of me I thought was missing, she was in there the whole time just need some prodding and encouraging. You are a wealth of knowledge thank you for sharing some of that with me.

Breathe, 360 MInd body soul, March 2023

“This message is to give a big thank you for your Breathe classes on Wednesdays. I love those! Every time you spread so much joy and good spirits, it gives me so much pleasure to listen to you! And you always take time afterwards to listen to us all, to answer our questions, explaining things again and again, each time with the same spirit of loving to teach others what you know. It is so inspiring, and I can feel how much joy this brings you yourself! You are ready to receive our e-mails and research more if you cannot answer right away, and I deeply appreciate your dedication and helpfulness!”

“Last year I started daily breathing classes with Caroline (often twice a day) not because of breathing difficulties but because of extreme anxiety. Within a few months my body shifted from sympathetic to parasympathetic mode and I can put this down to all the breathing I was doing. I of course incorporated mindfulness, yoga nidra, etc… now I call myself recovered but am still doing everything I’ve learned. Thanks to all the lovely teachers here at 360 Mind Body Soul, it is now a lifestyle choice.”

“The power of breathwork….sometimes it's quite hard to find factual proof rather than subjective (feeling better) experience. So, I thought i would give you my proof that breathwork helps.Three months into my LC journey a scan for a suspected PE revealed lung disease which will never get better and only worsen. Breathe by James Nestor helped me start to do unguided breathing exercises. In January, after a big LC dip, I joined RRR on 360 MInd Body Soul. Ten weeks on, lots of breathwork with Caroline & Heather plus email advice from Caroline (which I'm so grateful for) I have been for lung function tests. And, I'm so pleased that my lung function has improved. I've gone from test results showing my lungs were working 94% of expected to 99.6%. That's an amazing result and I wanted to share it so you know, when you do these classes, your breathing is getting better.”

menopause workshop, inside out PT edinburgh, february 2023

“Caroline was very informed and helpful. She was very personable which made it easy for us to talk about our experiences.”

“Thought it was great and I’m so glad I went. Caroline was lovely and very easy to talk to. A big thank you from me too.”

“Caroline was great, very informative and lots of energy. The talk took place at such a good time for me and it really helped. Great to know I'm not alone. Thanks for organising and to Caroline for delivering, it was great.”

'“It was great, very informative, and a lovely group of women!”


“I have really benefitted from hearing you so often over the past few weeks in particular and have you on my shoulder as a comfort as well as a check in for my jaw! Thankyou for sharing your approach and kindness in this weird ole world we appear to share with so many others.'“

“Just wanted to thank you so much for these wonderful classes, and for the regular RRR breathwork classes over the past year. I have been so grateful for your wonderful teaching, and for the atmosphere you create in your classes. You have an incredible knack of delivering just what my body needs on any given day - it is almost spooky at times! I've been doing some yoga for quite a long time, but it's only really through doing these classes that it's really all made sense for me. I think it will be life-changing, as well as crucial in my recovery. So thank you. See you soon in your Wednesday Breathe classes”

yoga Scotland fundraiser, february 2023

“That was a wonderful zoom Yin Yoga session today! Thank you. I have tried Yin classes before, read a book and never really got into it. However, the way you taught us, with trauma informed language & approach and your ethos of inclusivity, information sharing (anatomy/physiology) and spiritual integrity made it more accessible for me.”

new year retreat AT OLD KILMUN HOUSE, January 2023

“Thank you, thank you, thank you. What a wonderful weekend of yoga, amazing women, relaxation and fun. I genuinely don’t have the words to express how enriching it was. Everything about the weekend was positive & beyond expectations and the chef Marie-Anne was such a positive addition to the weekend looking after us all with good grace. You are a special shining light Caroline and your genuine kindness, energy and love was the core of the weekend. Brilliant! How apt that we had the full moon.”

“We are still smiling and really felt the wonderful 'inner protection' today as we hurtled into Monday. Beautiful connections made, to self, to others, to nature. We are both Yoga Crow fans and the weekend yoga did NOT disappoint, beautifully and gently taught. Our favourite was the class by candle-light, we are still feeling the benefits.”

“My first retreat so my comments are from a zero base.  The whole blend and balance of yoga classes, me/free time, and chatting in the lounge and communal meals was excellent.  I thoroughly enjoyed the whole weekend and felt so rested with the dedicated me time.  The wonderful surrounding natural environment was just the icing on the cake!  The cosy yurt was a beautiful place for our classes and the house was full of character with the benefit of modern additions.  The food was amazing, many thanks to Marie-Anne. You managed to attune the classes to what our bodies needed, blending stronger poses with softer, more restful ones as the weekend progressed.”

“The house was perfect for the retreat. The location felt really special and it was great to have lots of options for walks and the beach. Looking out onto the water from our bedroom was so calming. The food was superb! It was really useful being able to nip into the kitchen if you needed something and MarieAnne was so friendly and helpful. The classes were wonderful! So restorative and it was so nourishing being together in Burt the Yurt. I could have done more or stayed another day :) “

Fern Programme for Long Covid, DECEMBER 2022

“Many thanks for this and for everything you’ve done for us during the past few weeks (and prior to that too). As always, you’ve gone above and beyond and have been superb into the bargain. I wouldn’t hesitate for a second before recommending you wholeheartedly to others.”

“Your sessions have been and are so good Caroline and have been such a huge help during the last few months.”

Rest & Relaxation FOR SIXTH FORM AT ESMS, november & December 2022

“Thank you so much for the sessions this year again. It was fantastic to have you back in school and I think many of the students really enjoyed the opportunity to relax and will hopefully retain some of the exercises to help them during the upcoming prelim period. I will definitely be using some of them myself!”

Understanding menopauSE FOR STRipe comminications, novembER 2022

“I just wanted to say a huge thank you for running today’s session. I thought you pitched it perfectly and you’ve given everyone food for thought.”

Fern Programme for Long Covid, OCTOBER 2022

I want to say a huge thank you. Had a challenging meeting today after our Fern session with Caroline. Previously this would have sent me into orbit, stress levels high, overthinking/ruminating and struggling to sleep! But thanks to the work I’ve been doing in the Fern programme over the last 6-7 weeks I’ve dealt with it differently today. I recognised it made me feel upset, acknowledged that, used the anxiety rescue breathing technique you taught me Caroline and then went and found a quiet space and did Caroline’s recent Yoga Nidra from the 360MBS video library. It feels like a breakthrough! I felt calm and relaxed after, and cooked the family dinner with no symptoms! Thank you. This feels huge progress to me and is just one of the many ways being on the Fern programme has helped me.”

“Just wanted to say a massive thanks for the course. Thanks soooo much I love your classes and have recorded all of them and do them every day - so I do see you every day 😂❤️”

I’ve really enjoyed the sessions. I had done some yoga before but your explanations and putting stuff in context was so useful.”


“Just wanted to say the menopause sisters talk was brilliant. Really informative and it’s about time this is recognised. Well done to you and your sister for running these presentations.” 

Understanding menopauSE FOR BRODIES EDINBURGH, OCTOBER 2022

“Really interesting topic and you covered it in a way that wasn't intimating but also didn't shy away from some honest reflection on the symptoms that we can have to endure.”


'“I found your session really helped to deeply rest, almost felt like I was floating! So I’m particularly keen to try and use it each day.”

“Thank you - I did catch up on your Monday Yoga Nidra session and it helped me settle and drift back off to sleep again after a disturbed sleep overnight.”

“I want to say how much I love your classes. I've been really poorly recently and yours are the only classes I've been able to do because they're always gentle. I especially loved your Yoga Nidra, I've visualised the stars again every day since.”


“Thank you for a lovely experience. Lying in a garden in the rain, balancing in bare feet on the grass, wearing so many layers that you have an excuse not to be able to bend, flicking insects from your mat, watching the clouds, listening to the wind in the trees - all fabulous. A real connection to nature and to our place in it. So grounding in a time of uncertainty. A peaceful space, with a gentle and encouraging teacher - perfect.”

“Just want to add how lovely the yoga has been throughout lockdown and beyond. Really enjoyed and appreciated use of the garden but also the wonderful Caroline teaching the happiness of yoga.”

“What an amazing journey from fireworks in the fire pit to yoga in summer rain. It has been amazing to be fully with nature, garden yoga has been a really fantastic experience and definitely a lockdown highlight. And also for introducing us to the very wonderful teaching of an equally wonderful Caroline . It has been a privilege to learn from you Caroline - thank you for your generous teaching and gentle guidance.”

“It’s been a joy from star to finish, and heartfelt thanks to Caroline.”

It was a beautiful thing through a dark time. Thank you so much, Caroline, for making it so special”

Fern Programme for Long Covid, July 2022

“I want to thank you so, so much for your breath and yoga classes the past weeks. I have enjoyed them so much and find the way you guide to be so healing and regenerative and calming. They have been an instrumental part of my feeling considerably better in the past weeks.”


“I just wanted to say a big, big thank you for the amazing work you’re offering all the Rest Repair Recover participants every single week. The breathing class is the highlight of my week and if I don’t make it live, I always watch it on catch-up. Your teaching style is so warm and considerate, and although it’s only online, I immediately feel calm and relaxed when I’m in one of your classes. Before I fell ill in December 2021, I never thought about my breathing and now it has become such an integral part of my daily and weekly routine. I was really struggling with shortness of breath at the beginning of my Long Covid journey and I remember the moment when I told my partner after one of your classes in March – ‘I can breathe again; the breath is not stuck in my chest anymore!’ But the breathing sessions have not only helped me with my breathlessness, more importantly, they help me so much in calming down my nervous system. I’m back part-time at uni since October again (yeah!) and whenever I feel like I need a short break on a long day, I sit down and do breath work for five minutes. It really feels like an anchor in this sometimes overwhelming world. Thank you so much for offering this great support to so many of us.”

“I’ve just done the recording and it was brilliant, thank you. It was my first one. Really enjoyed the class, I struggle with my chest a lot, so it was fab.”

“I just wanted to say thanks for the last Breathe session on nadi shodhana pranayama. Although I couldn't attend the live session I did it later in the day when I had a massive headache, and it helped me so much.”

“It was my first time with you guys and really loved it so thank you so much and so nice just to not feel alone as well so nice to see people’s faces.”

“Thank you and thanks for another lovely session. I’ll keep trying with the humming breath.”

Fern Programme for Long Covid, APRIL 2022

“I just wanted to thank you. Your sessions are wonderful and I've taken so much from them; from the wisdom and guidance they contain and from the love and kindness with which you deliver them. You've helped me to make progress in my journey towards recovery, and I'll take the things I've been learning with me into health too. You also go above and beyond with the time you take to answer everyone's questions and the resources you put together and share, so thanks for that too.”

Menopause Workshop with GP Dr Claire Phipps, March 2022

“It's been a game-changer having contact with Caroline and all of the access to yoga through The Yoga Crow and The Menopause Sisters channels including the workshops - and I just feel very grateful for finding you as it has transformed my life going from no support for menopause to having a high level of knowledge informed support, that has been empowering for me to start managing my health proactively through positive changes. A knowledge rich team bringing together medical and holistic health specialisms - exactly what is needed for women to know what menopause is and what to do in terms of bringing themselves through this experience in a positive way. I also valued being steered through the local NHS landscape which has challenges. I liked the nurturing relaxing vibe of the worksop too. The breath work was deeply relaxing too.”

Fern Programme for Long Covid, January 2022

“Thank you so much for all the practices and all your kindness and understanding, you’re an incredibly special person, you’ve made such a huge difference to my life, and I’m so grateful to have met you. I’ll continue to use your practices every week and catch up on your Breathe sessions too.”

“We all loved your sessions and they were so calming and healing as we recover from Long Covid. I have been doing your humming session almost every day since - the humming coupled with the soothing words and intentions are so helpful.”

City of Edinburgh Council: Yoga To Support Menopause, November 2021

“Thank you, I found this session very relaxing. I’ve been having issues with my hips and joints and this was my first time trying yoga. Will definitely be trying yoga again.”

“Thank you so much, I loved this yoga session and feeling very relaxed. Loved the poem by Donna Ashworth too. Thank you also for all the great tips and information.”

“Thank you so much for the session, feeling relaxed and ready for the weekend.”

“Thank you, that was fantastic! Totally relaxed, thank you!”

Online Menopause Workshop with GP Dr Claire Phipps, March 2021

“I wanted to reach out and say thank you soooo much for yesterday’s session! I feel sooo much more informed and I’ve ordered a book you recommended. The poem you read out at the end was really lovely too. This stage of our life is such a minefield but you made it feel so much less awful than the sum of the various symptoms . It’s given me renewed confidence to tackle whatever the beast wants to throw at me and get back to my yoga mat too.”

Aromatherapy & Yoga Autumn Equinox Workshop with Catherine jacobs September 2021

“This gathering was a beautiful beginning to autumn - the powerful properties of the aromatherapy oils mixed with restorative yoga released the deep joy and wellbeing hidden away in me after a long period of stress. I felt refreshed and more myself the next day”

“I was lucky enough to participate in Caroline's and Catherine's Aromatherapy & Yoga workshop. Being guided through the resinous fragrances of the Autumn equinox, relaxing a bit deeper into them, was a much needed respite from the season-change term-start frenzy. Through breath and massage, using our own scented hand/foot cream, kneading our limbs like dough, we were taken into a very restful place in Caroline's yoga session. Thank you both! A lot to think about this Autumn, as I continue to massage my hands and arms and breathe in the smells of Autumn :)”

“Beautiful venue, relaxing welcoming atmosphere and lovely goodie bag. Your teaching on how to nurture ourselves through yoga and essential oils was just what l needed. I have had a crazy busy week but the bolster has been out and I’ve been enjoying my lavender baths and foot massages….my sleep has never been so good!”

“What a lovely nurturing, informative evening on Friday. Thank you both so much for hosting the event and making us feel very welcome & relaxed. I had a lovely bath yesterday with my oil blend….gorgeous. The yoga session was a perfect end to the evening and we slept like babies.”

Online Menopause Workshop with GP Dr Claire Phipps, March 2021

“I enjoyed the joining together of East and West; with a discussion from a working GP who clearly has a passion for informing and empowering women and the wonderful yoga practices and session from the menopause informed yoga teacher. I also liked the sharing of advice, resources and personal experiences from all the attendees. I feel empowered to go and learn a bit more and to not dismiss changes in my body as nothing.”

“I found the Menopause Yoga workshop to be excellent. There was a good balance of mindfulness, relaxation and yoga which was complimented by the medical information from the GP. With the small group, there was a chance to hear other women’s experiences and pose questions for the GP and Caroline to answer. It felt like a gentle and safe environment.”

Menopause Yoga, Wellbeing Roadshow IV - The City of Edinburgh Council, March 2021

“Thank you very much Caroline for being so thoughtful. Thank you for offering your time to such a great cause helping organisations like CEC. The wellbeing roadshows are successful thanks to you and the other facilitators who offer their knowledge, their skills and most important their soul, spreading the word around wellbeing.”

“Thank you very much, great to get time away from the desk and relax.”

“Helped me tune into my body, thank you.”

Online Menopause Workshop with GP Dr Claire Phipps & Nutritional Therapist Mary Cotter, December 2020

“Thank you so much for such a wonderful workshop. I received my goodies package today and it brought a huge smile to my face!”

“The workshop was relaxed and informal but highly informative and trusting.”

Online Menopause Workshop with guest GP Dr Claire Phipps, October 2020

“It was so beneficial to have the mix of medical information and yoga, both in a self-care context, with time to talk to the GP, not rushed and the GP had understanding, empathy and knowledge. The yoga teacher had such knowledge of yoga for menopause too and so nurturing. It was really a great balance. And I loved the way the women came together to talk and help each other with the most personal and distressing issues that are taboo - it really felt like a red tent and I needed that for my soul. I think you have created a much needed and nurturing space in that design of workshop, which in fact felt like a women's circle - it was really special, and I feel happier and more at ease with myself afterwards; being with others in the circle, unlocked the compassion for the self. When I tell other women about it, they are opening about their menopausal experiences too.”

Online teen classes during lockdown, March - June 2020

“Yoga with Caroline is awesome, it helps me to relax and unwind and I really enjoy the mindfulness as well as the poses, it’s so varied. She has helped me build up my confidence to do my own yoga practice as well as participate in her classes. No two classes are the same, Caroline puts a lot of thought into developing them, always gives options for different levels and it is a very interactive class. And she is so kind - she is a brilliant teacher” Young person, aged 12

Caroline’s yoga classes were always really relaxing as well as fun and I would always look forward to them, especially if I had had a particularly stressful day. Thank you Caroline!” Young person, aged 12

“I really like it because it is relaxing and fun. Caroline is really nice and I really like her.” Young person, aged 12

Online adult classes during lockdown, March - July 2020

“I have really enjoyed taking part in Caroline's adult yoga classes. although I had done some yoga before I found that her pace is ideal, it’s slow, gentle and most of all very instructive with a very kind and compassionate atmosphere. I feel that at last I understand how to do the poses properly with no pressure to be fast or do it perfectly. It means I have never been injured or sore. I especially appreciate the space to breathe and sit at the beginning and end with no sense of being rushed. it has been a shining light to me during lockdown in particular and I cant stress enough how this has impacted positively on my mental health. Thank you so much Caroline!”

“I am new to yoga having done years of ballet and pilates, however Caroline has made it an effortless and interactive transition and I am enjoying her classes very much. Interspersed with the yoga, Caroline explains the anatomy and physiology behind the poses which is so helpful for my own understanding and enjoyment. She is a great teacher and I would highly recommended her classes.”

“I find Caroline’s classes very friendly and accessible. I always feel clearer in my head afterwards and it’s a great way to start the day. I really need to make time to join in more often!”

LGBT Youth Scotland, April 2020

“It was a lovely session, I find it very soothing to move slowly. Having a session made specifically for our LGBT youth group meant I could relax and not worry about whether there would be unnecessarily gendered language used during the session, which made me feel safe to participate. Our young people said afterwards that they would like more yoga sessions, so overall it was a success. Thank you Caroline.” Staff member

“Personally I really enjoyed the session and found it really accessible for all. Caroline’s tone was very calm and relaxing throughout which made me feel at ease, I also found the reminder that we are all different and whatever we do and feel is natural for us really encouraging, where as in other yoga I have tried, I have felt self-conscious as felt I may be doing it wrong.  As the session was developed specific for our young people I feel this made them feel more able to try the session out as when we have tried other session in the past they were not as eager to participate so Thank You Caroline.  I should also mention that we were all super chilled and relaxed after the session.” Staff member

 “It was quite fun and relaxing. It was a nice time frame as if you are just starting Yoga it’s an easy way to get into it.” Young person, aged 14

 “It was good, it definitely one of the best sessions that’s been online so far. It was really good to give everyone some peace during Lockdown.” Young person, aged 15 

Stewart’s Melville College: S1 Yoga, January 2020

“Caroline was great with the kids. She provided great content and did as much as possible with the kids given space and equipment available in the classroom. It was fun and educational.”

“I thought the yoga session was great for S1. Caroline has great patience. Clearly used to working with students of that age and gender. Provided them with achievable tasks/poses and built up to more challenging combinations. Inevitable reaction from some immature students in early stages, but majority came on side quite quickly due to her calm but authoritative manner.”