Benefits of yoga for children

Yoga classes for children are becoming more popular as the understanding of the benefits of a yoga practice are communicated. As a children and teens yoga teacher, I see the benefits all the time. From the child who is now sleeping better and is able to ‘switch off’ using a yoga pose, to the child no longer having panic attacks as she can control her breath. The children with the extremely tight hamstrings finding that they a little close r toothier toes in uttansana with their regular class attendance, to the children enjoying the non-competitive aspect of yoga and how they can allow themselves to be just that, themselves. The moments of absolute concentration from the children with additional support for learning needs I teach to the teens that realise yoga will help support their competitive sporting activities in the mind and the body. I’m lucky to see this all first hand.

And the bit I love post about my job? The end of a class when all the children and adolescents I teach surrender to their yoga practice in relaxation. As they ‘let go’ and ‘switch off’ the silence and stillness is a beautiful sight to see.

The settling of the breath and mind to start with in my classes, the yoga poses, movement and games, all lead to a quieting of the body and mind.