The lymphatic system can be divided into two parts the lymphatic vessels which the lymph (a watery, fluid component) moves through, and the lymph nodes and organs. The lymphatic organs include the thymus , tonsils and spleen. The movement of our skeletal muscles through our asana practise encourages the movement of lymph fluid. This fluid helps transport toxins and pathogens to the lymph nodes and organs, which is then filtered, removing any unwanted foreign particles or bacteria, before it returns to the bloodstream.
So, by supporting the stimulation of the lymph system and the movement of lymph fluid through our asana practise, we are helping our immune system defend against microbes, virus’ and bacteria. It also removes damaged or dead cells from our system. The lymph nodes that act as filters are mainly concentrated around the throat, armpits and groin.
Inversions in particular help support and stimulate the lymph nodes found around the throat and armpit (in the adenoids, tonsils and thymus): Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge), Uttanasana (standing forward fold), Prasarita Padottanasana (wide legged forward fold), Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog), Halasana (plough), Salamba Sirsasana (headstand).
Twists help us stimulate the lymph nodes found in the spleen: Parivrtta Trikonasana (revolved triangle), Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (revolved side angle), variations of Maricyasana and Jathara Parivartanasana (supine revolved spinal twist)
Our breathing is also a facilitator of lymphatic function as the lymphatic system does not have a ‘pump’ like the heart for the circulatory system. Deep diaphragmatic breathing like when we practise makrasana (crocodile) is essential to supporting the circulation of lymph.
With all this in mind, it’s imperative to wear the correct bra (not underwired) and clothing when practising yoga. Anything too tight will restrict movement physically and internally. As your mind and body flow through the shapes you create in asana, become aware of the flow and movement internally that is occurring, supporting your health, wellbeing and immune system.
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